Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Whine and Wine Wednesday

You didn't think I would miss two weeks in a row did you?

Life has been CRAZY!  Last week was six nights in Indianapolis for work training.  Sun up to sun down I tell ya.  There was definitely some wine consumption in the sun down part, but all part of a hard day's work!


I miss my bitchy friend!

Quick update on the ol' bitch:

It seems her vagina fell off at mile 18 of the marathon.  If you're in Chicago and happen to find it, please mail it back.
No seriously, she is having lots of issues with her back.  Apparently all that bitchin' she did was for good reason.  She has been given a strict 'no workouts until further notice' lecture from her doctor.  Whatever is going on is like a bone spur on her spine or some shit.  Sounds painful.  Even worse, she's never going to run over six miles again in her life.  Sad face.

Quick update on the other ol' bitch:

I've signed up for the White Rock Marathon on December 4.  It seemed like a much better idea about two weeks ago.  Now I'm wondering what in the hell I was thinking.
I joined boot camp this week.  I have gone many times before.  The first time was in 2006.  I went from a size 12 to a size 6 in twelve weeks.  It kicks your ass.  It hurts to sit on the toilet and to put on my bra.  Basically, in two workouts I have worked 1,000,000 muscles that I forgot I had.  I have discovered that my lack of cross training the past few months has not been good on my arms.  I practically fall on my face with each attempt at a push up.  The REALLY sad part is that I used to be the push up master.  True story:  When drinking I used to be known to challenge men to push up contest ON.THE.BAR.  I need that badass to return.  I will do my long runs on the weekend with Little Brittany and Talia.  We will miss Randee's shinning personality and big boobs very much. (tear) 

In other news....

My husband has made national news.  Well, at least a butt ton of sports blogs.

If you haven't heard, the World Series is going on.  The TEXAS Rangers were playing in Arlington last Saturday night.  My crazy ass husband wore his NEW YORK Rangers hockey jersey to the game.  It got his pretty little face on the TV, and I saw it live.  I was screaming from the couch I was so excited.  Little did I know that many people around the US would see his cuteness and rewind their DVR and take a picture.
Apparently it's weird to wear a hockey jersey to a baseball game.  Who knew?  Anyway, here are links to several of the blogs that have already featured him.  Man, if only he would have had a Bitchy Runners shirt on....oh the possibilities!
I'm having a glass of Secreto Malbec.
Don't hate me because I look so darn sexy after a long day of work.
Now go pour yourself a glass (or three) of some good wine (none of that nasty crap) and sit back and read about what an idiot half the world thinks my husband is.


  1. And THAT is how you Dougie!

    Ugh. All that work. Massive suckatude.

    Teach me how to be a push up master sensei.

  2. @Hugh - Teach me how to Dougie, Teach me how to Dougie. Yes, work is cutting into the blogging. And I am definitely not in shape to teach anyone how to push up. Totally pathetic!

  3. Sarah - I'm guessing...Oh my is for Randee...HAHA is my attempt at a 2nd marathon...and how sexy I look after a hard days work. Did I get it?

  4. Awwww poor Randee. Do you think her back problems could be related to the big boobs you talk about all the time?

  5. SO funny about Doug!

    I'm sad that Randee is all jacked up and isn't running with you anymore :( Move to Orlando - you can run with me/Paula!

  6. @my1000miles - Boobs could be an issue.

  7. @DEM - Secreto is a regular around here...and yes I really like it!

  8. @Michelle - packing my bags, however I'm not sure how the family is going to feel about this! :)

  9. Bahahahah that MADE MY WEEK. He sure does take "be unique" to an entirely new level!

  10. This bums me out about your bitchy little friend. :( Poor thing. She has every right to be a bitch now! Yay!

    Your husband is famous now. Awesome!

    You have me wanting to go to Boot Camp now. My arms are in dire need of help!

  11. I hope the "no more than 6 miles for the rest of her life" was a self-proclaimed restriction and not the doctor's verdict. If that's the case than things can always change. ;)

    I hear ya on the arms. I'm surprised I managed to pour milk in my cereal. I'm that weak.
