Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Ridiculous Amount of Pictures

The last 24 hours of my life in pictures...

What to wear to the Warrior Dash?  Do I do the camo thing?

Or the cute Scooby Doo thing?
Wild Friday night playing with the CamWow App on the iPhone.

At least it smooths out the forehead wrinkles.
Randee and I met for coffee this morning.

The plan was to get remotivated for our marathon training.  Isn't she just a ray of sunshine.
Our planning was going well....

Then Randee reverted back to her usual bitchy self.  Flipping off our training plan.  I swear.

Hey, this ain't bad.  Gluten Free and raw.  Awesome.
Then Doug crashed our party.

Low and behold.  Doug and Randee whip their nasty feet out and start comparing missing and black toenails.  Nasty.  There were other people in Starbucks trying to enjoy their coffee.
It's a wild life I live.  I know.  Now I'm off to my parents for a few hours.  Then the countdown to MUD begins!

Have a Super Saturday!

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