Monday, July 4, 2011

Would You Please Put Your Big Girl Panties On?

Happy 4th of July!

Marathon Training Week 9 - Day 1

Today called for yogilates.  We decided to sleep in and meet at 7:00am.  We also momentarily lost our minds, and tempted the Level 3 Yogilates again.  We quickly remembered why that is a bad idea.  Its 90 minutes of poses you have to be Gumby to do.

Unless of course you're this guy.....

We survived, but believe me....there was some bitchin' going on.

We both plan on consuming our weight in fajitas and wine this afternoon.  Tomorrow's run should be interesting!
Alright....I got a little rant this morning.  But first of all....let me thank Michelle and Paula for introducing me to  Those things crack me up!

Now back to my rant....

Have you ever known a person like this?

And then....they are upset....but they don't have the balls to tell you about it?  You have to read their facebook status to realize they are unhappy with something they *assume* happened.  And we all know what happens with that word ASSuME!

It really makes me want to make this public announcement....

Well, thanks for letting me get that off my chest!

I need your opinion...

You can customize this shirt on

You can write on the front, arm and back.
How would this look for the Chicago Marathon?

With this skirt....
....and white compression socks?
I really want red...and dang if it's not hard to find!

Alright, time to clean up....I smell like dirty butt at the moment...and get ready for a pool party this afternoon.

Happy Independence Day!


  1. Nice job on the yogilates today! Love the customize shirts, they're awesome!

  2. I suggest you buy your domain name and then have your name on the front and your website on the back. I don't get filled in on any of your "Hood" gossip, and for this, I will create drama.

  3. I love the outfit! As for the shirt, you should totally put your blog website on the back. :-)

  4. I love the shirt! I would put you blog on it somewhere too though. I never realized that red shirts are pretty hard to find. Good luck!

  5. Love the outfit. Love. I actually like the way you have it to keep as a Chicago memory. ;-)

  6. LOVE that outfit. Might have to copy the shirt..I wonder if they do that for tanks?? I would rock that with arm warmers in the fall!
