One year ago today The Bitchy Runners blog was born. This is what I wrote on that day as our bio.
Two 30 something mothers trying to become runners. We run for stress relief, we run for sanity, we run for girl time. However, we tend to do quite a lot of bitching along the way! Join us as we train for the Chicago Marathon on October 9, 2011. Should be an interesting journey!
And an interesting journey it was. But that journey has came to an end. A year full of miles, sweat, tears, poop, laughter and attractive pictures is forever documented on this blog. January 9, 2011, I created the blog with hopes of motivating the gang and sharing our adventures with friends. It turned into so much more.
Including today's final blog, there were 252 posts. Randee posted a grand total of nine times, all in January 2011. However, there is no shortage of her presence here. She really was the main character of the blog and inspiration for the majority of my posts.
The blog has had 62,530 page views, from the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, Argentina, Spain, Ukraine, Russia and China. October 2011 was our most visited month.
I must say "thank you" to
Shut Up and Run,
SkinnyRunner and
Running Off The Reeses. They sent the most traffic to the blog from their sites.
I got to meet Cely from Running Off the Reeses while in Chicago. Remember Doug got drunk with her friend Brian. The blog about how they (Doug & Brian) fell in love is one of my top 10 most read blogs! |
The top five blogs ever were:
#5 - What's Next - This blog was written just after returning home from Chicago. I was still on my marathon high and ready to do it again. Since then Randee and I have decided we would rather become swimsuit models versus marathoners. We're very talented at looking good while laying by the pool & sippin' wine. |
#4 - Chicago Marathon Race Review - This post was written the evening after we finished the marathon. I wanted to make sure all of the details were fresh on my mind. Even though it slowed me WAY down, I'm happy I stopped at all 26 mile markers to take a picture and update my facebook status. |
#3 - iFitness Belt Giveaway - I was so excited to have our first blog giveaway. I felt like I was somebody real special to get a free hydration belt to review and then have a lucky reader win their own. I loved the iFitness belt so much I bought a second one (non hydration) in Chicago for the marathon. |
#2 - Pool Party Wrestling - This post was put together after a fun weekend of hanging out by the pool. You know it had to be a fun day if I got this photo greatness. I don't think it is my writing, but the search term that got so many hits on that post. |
#1 - Warrior Dash Review - I took a disposable water proof camera and took pictures of every obstacle. This post gives a very detailed look at the event. This post has 2287 page views so far! |
The Bitchy Runners blog has been found by all kinds of fun search terms. Some of the most recent are:
Sexy Runners: I mean really, who can argue with that? |
Young Wrinkles: I guess young wrinkles are better than old ones. |
Nude Child Family - Well, my kids usually wear clothes, However, I did post this awesome photo bomb picture taken in Spain. My mom was just taking a picture of Audrie on a camel and a naked hands on hip boy showed up. |
Peeing Squatting: This one is all Randee. Well, at least that's the only incident that has photo evidence. I'll admit we squatted together behind a very skinny tree around mile 5 of the Chicago Marathon. |
Wide Butt: Well dang, I guess we can't deny this one. |
Thick Legs: Rude. It was probably my husband using that search term. It was him who looked at this picture and said, "WOW, look how much thicker your legs are at the top compared to Randee's." Then I beat his ass. |
Crawling on Hands and Knees: That was us pretty much every time we did a Jillian Michael's video. |
I have posted a whooping 2287 photos on this here blog. Just about all of them have been exceptionally flattering. Especially our yoga poses.
I don't have statistical proof, but I'm going to declare 'Whine and Wine Wednesday' the best damn idea EVER.
The purple section of the wine cellar is basically a world wide phenomenon. |
People around the globe popped a cork on Wednesday's and got their whine on. |
Whine and Wine Wednesday - The only way to survive marathon training. |
The Bitchy Runners blog is coming to and end. However, I will keep up the facebook page. I would love you to join us there. Click this
link NOW so you don't forget! I'm sure Whine and Wine Wednesday will make an appearance there, and I'll do my best to post as many unflattering pictures of Randee as possible.
So, it is with a heavy heart and literally tears in my eyes that we say our final "see you later". (I don't like goodbyes.)
Cheers! |
Keep on running. Keep on bitchin'. Keep on being YOU!